Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4
It has been awhile, but I have actually been doing a few things!  Marcella and I have been walking.  It is terrific to have someone to walk with, company, and makes me accountable.  I feel great!  And of course the dogs are loving it.  Even little Wendie gets to go.

Meg was home for the weekend and we stayed busy.  Friday night was Sandoval night.  It used to be a Friday night tradition.  When Manuel was alive, we were at his mom and dad's any Friday night that we were home.  Everyone come, Dan and his family, all of us, sometimes Martha and Greg, and back in the day, Frank and Doris.

Danny and Yvette still always come.  But it is just not the same anymore.  I think mostly because Manuel is not with us.   We go occasionally, but not regularly.

Saturday we went to the microbrewery for Octoberfest then to Phillip and Kristine's.  IT was a great day, perfect way to start the autumn season.  Which, by the way, is sooooooo my favorite!

One of my favorite things is having my kids together, laughing, talking.  They are the two most incredible people I know.  Strong, fun, beautiful, smart, thinkers, problem solvers and hard workers.
They will do anything they set their mind to.  And always with support from each other, myself and Ruben.

Today, Mom, Uncle Doug and myself are off to Oregon to visit my uncle Rick.  I am looking forward to the trip.  Maybe I will even post daily.(Don't count on it!)

Missed my Thirsty Thursday today.  But I will be back in town for next weeks!