Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28, 2012

I am home!  I love home.  I have helping out my dad, which he is very grateful for, but it is always so nice to be home.

I am going to start a positive routine.  Everyday, I am going to find a positive saying, thought, or picture and try to live it.  I am pulling myself out of the muck and starting again, fresh, without the funk I have been carrying around.  So today, here it is:

  Thank you Connie Powell Dodd.  I love your facebook page with all the positive and encouraging info.

Today, I start bar tending  I am pretty excited about it.  I love people and hearing their stories.  This just might be right up my alley.  Still working at the senior citizen center as well.  We will see how long that lasts.

My goals:
Save money for a trip with each child.
Refinance the house (save monthly)

Till tomorrow......