Sunday, June 16, 2013

Okay, the graduation party is over.  One from college, one from high school.  Everyone is starting a new chapter.

Megan, college graduate, currently waitressing and looking for the "real" job.  Apply, apply, apply!

Ruben, working a youth camp, loves the kids, trying to figure out what he wants.

Manuel, high school graduate, working landscape, enjoying his last summer as a "kid", looking forward to college, but a little scared!

Me, ready to start my new chapter teaching math in a small school, new town, new opportunities.

What an incredible family I have.  We are so lucky to have each other,  a good quality of life, and an appreciation for family and each other.  Now, don't get me wrong.  It is not perfect, the kids still fight, but they also laugh, tease and love.  We are constantly adjusting and compromising.  I get a little stressed at times, but it helps to remember to breath!

I could be the luckiest woman in the world!