Friday, January 17, 2014

January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!  It has been a tough holiday, a few days of overwhelming sadness and tears.  BUT... it is done, a new year has begun, and I am ready.  We are all in a more settled place.  Each with plans and direction.  Lets Begin!!!!!!!

January 17, 2014

51 years old.  It may sound old, but it is NOT!  I am loving my fifties.  I have found a freedom that I have never experienced before.  Sure, I still have responsibilities, my children, my parents, but it is really about me.  I can afford to do things, (for the most part),  can go when I like,  have popcorn and wine for supper, watch a movie, see who I want, doing what I want, and not having any guilty feelings.  I am comfortable with me, confident, like what I have grown in to, physically and mentally.  I am just in a really good place. This move is exactly what I needed.  I am still finding Melanie, but the search is wonderful and fun.  My children will always be my number one priority, but I have allowed myself to be a priority as well.  Love it, love it love it!

2013  What a year.  I bar-tended, served and cooked at a senior citizens center, took a job in Capitan teaching math,  moved to a new town, knowing  no one,  made some new friends, got back into teaching, and most recently, a romance has started.

Megan graduated from NMSU and is working in Albuquerque using her degree.  She has had quite a year, with some tragedy included.  She is a trooper.  Strong, beautiful, smart, kind.  She is finding her way, realizes there are things that need some work and things that need to be let go.  Her and Ruben are  living in Moriarty.  Starting a life without college.  The real thing.  They seem to balance each other and they have so much fun together.  

Manuel Joseph Sandoval.  He qualified for the state in Discus, received his High school diploma at the state track meet and missed his graduation ceremony.  But so worth it!  He is going UNM and loves it.  He is so like Manuel, college is his thing.  He is in the dorm and loving it, writing for the daily LOBO, making friends and also struggling with some demons.  We all do that at times,  I realize.  He is working through things, and talking when he needs to.  That is progress!  He is having a long distance relationship with Mikeala.  Tough on both of  them.  Time will tell.

And my mom.  She has had a tough year.  She has had some physical injuries, and her memory seems to be getting worse.  She is healthy otherwise.  She is not walking like before, because she can't, but wants to get back into it.  Daddy has had a year too.  Surgery, prescription drugs that just about made him crazy.  They are getting older, but doing ok.  

I am headed to Eunice this weekend.  It is Sherry's 50th birthday today.  We are going to celebrate the fabulous fifties.  I love going back to Eunice.  I have reconnected with friends that I did not see much of for years.  Since I lost Manuel, they have become a terrific support system.  Jo and Sherry are as crazy as ever, we get together and it is as if we were never apart.  We laugh, talk, tell secrets, cry, and share!  And John and Bubba are my rocks.  They are the big brothers close to home, checking on me, worrying, talking to me.  I have always enjoyed and loved them, I just never thought I would need them like I do now.  I sometimes think about moving back there.  I am not sure it would be the same if I lived there and it is so far away from kids!  I think I am good where I am for now.

And then the new romance.  FUN!  We are just enjoying.  Enough!  Getting up and moving!  I will be back soon:)