Saturday, April 26, 2014

Photo Album of Oregon trip

Pictures from the Oregon trip.

Heather And I Sunday afternoon, enjoying the wine and the sunshine.

Mom, at the root of a fallen red wood tree.

Red wood forest on the way to Brookings.

Karen and I, in the Redwood forest.  Yes, we  were also on the trip!! This is our attempt at a selfie.

Mom and I, Another selfie attempt.  In the red wood forest

Out our window of the hotel in Brookings,  Oregon

Mom, Uncle Rick and Uncle Doug on the patio in Grants Pass

Oregon Trip

Mom, Uncle Doug and Uncle Rick
April 6, 2014

Our trip to Grants Pass/Brookings, Oregon 
April 5 through April 10, 2014

Karen, Doug, Mom and I went to Oregon during spring break to see Rick and Linda, and Heather too. We flew in Saturday, rented a car and drove to Grants Pass, about 3 hours.   Stayed in Grants Pass 2 nights, then drove to Brookings, ( one of my favorite beach towns!), stayed for 2 nights, then drove up the coast, pack to Portland and flew out Early Thursday morning.  

It was a great trip.  The siblings are so funny together.  They each remember things differently.  Rick embellishes all his stories, while Mom and Doug try to get back what really happened.  They say that everyone remembers events in their own way, perspective.  That is very obvious with these three.  They reminisced, shared, bragged about their own children and grandchildren, laughed, talked, argued, hugged.  Doug and Rick are hard of hearing, Mom doesn't always remember what we just talked about, so between the "huhs" and the repeats, we heard some stories several times!  That's ok!  We just laughed about it.  

Sunday, we spent the day at Rick and Linda's.  It is a beautiful place.  Weather was gorgeous!  I went for a long walk.  We spent the afternoon on the deck, drinking wine(the women), and visiting.  Walked around the property.  They have a huge garden, roses, trees, a chicken house with a white picket fence, and an art studio, where Linda paints.  Nice day.

Monday morning we drove to Brookings, through the red wood forests, following a river all the way to the coast.  Incredible drive.  Only about 100 miles, but took about 3 hours.  Twisting, turning road.  Slow travel.  And of course, Uncle Rick got car sick.  We  got to Brookings, stayed at a hotel on the beach.  Went straight out to the beach, enjoyed a glass of wine, more visiting, then went to dinner.

Tuesday, we did some shopping.  Great little shops in this small, beach town.  Did I mention I could live here?  I could!!!!  Karen and I drove around a bit, while the others rested.  We drove out to this incredible golf course.  I have not been on vacation with Karen in several years.  She is one of my favorite people.  It was really nice to get to spend some time with her.  We laughed and talked.  

Went back to the hotel, gathered the troops and went to dinner.  We had delicious sea food the whole time we were there.  I really missed my kids. They also love Brookings.  I would love for Ruben to see it.  And Craig too.  One of these summers, I am going to rent a house for the summer, big enough for lots of people, and have company all summer long!  If I have grandkids, maybe they can stay even longer than their parents:)

Wednesday morning, we got up, packed, went to breakfast, said goodbye to Rick, Linda, and Heather, and began the last leg of our Oregon trip, up the coast, then east to Portland.  It was a long trip, but so enjoyable.  We saw light houses, elk, more incredible scenery, and the ocean all along the way.  We talked, looked, ate (of course), just enjoyed the drive.  

Now, some personal details.  My uncle Rick and Uncle Doug give the best hugs.  They are such good, gentle men.  Very different, but very loving.  They each married beautiful, warm loving women that completed them.  Wonderful, welcoming families, both of them.  

We don't see Rick often, but he is always so glad to see us.  And I don't see Uncle Doug enough.  We have been on some great vacations with him and Karen, Manuel and I and the kids.  Wonderful memories.  Doug, the kids and myself went to see Uncle Rick about 3 years ago.  That was the first time we went to Brookings.  Another tie, after that trip, Doug, Mom and I went.  On that trip, Doug and I ended up staying in Brookings, just the two of us.  That evening, we ordered clam Chowder to go, two beers, and went back to the room to enjoy our meal.  The next morning we drove around for hours, looking at houses, just checking things out.  Both great trips.  And now this one.  It was a terrific trip as well.  

As they get older, we just never know if it will by the last for all of us to be together.  Manuel gave us a huge dose of THAT lesson.  Mom really enjoyed it.  She kept telling my that this would probably be her second to last trip.  I kept telling her NO, it would not!  She loves to travel, till she is ready to go home:)  She was quite the trooper.  I worried she would get too tired, because she has not been able to get out much because of her feet, injuries.  But she did great.  I enjoyed the trip, and cherish each one that I get to take with her.  And there will be more.  Next, we need to plan a girls trip.  We have not done that in about 3 years.  Girls, lets get back to that!  It is important, and most of all, FUN!

Yes, Family can be stressful, irritating, and hard to take some times.  But on the other hand, they are who we are, where we come from, and what we may turn out to be some day.  We share memories, traits, and personality disorders!  I love them, every single one of them!!!!!  Come on family, Bring it on! Again, and Again.