Monday, September 10, 2012


What a day!  I came home last night from Las Cruces with a terrible headache.  Took something for it and went straight to sleep.  I woke up to the sound of the puppy throwing up.  And she continued all night.  Poor thing, she was losing weight by the hour.

So this morning, I am very worried about her.  I have this thing about dying on my watch.  I just can't let it happen.  So, off we go to the vet.  Good news, no Parvo.  But a very sick puppy.  She got fluids  and three shots.  Plus I got medicine to give her orally.  Dr. Mel.  She will not die on me!!!!!

I also went to the doctor.  No wonder I had headaches, the back of my neck is so tight.  It usually is, but today tighter than usual.  Too much driving maybe.

So I spent the day running around.  No news on the Alaska job.  But I was an exemplary stay home mom.  Manny and Trey come after school.  I fixed them a snack and something to drink, and gave them a little help with their math homework.  Ah,  the pleasures of mothering!  They are great boys and I LOVE to hear them talk MATH!  Of course, they hate it.  But who cares?  This is about me, right!

Off to the store, then start supper, then Shooter and I are going for a walk.  Wendy, (the sickly one)  will have to miss out on this one.  I am going to try and post a picture of her sad little face.

Tomorrow, Cleaning house!  That is my goal, anyway.

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