Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16.  Two weeks till Thanksgiving.  Five weeks till Christmas.  My baby is turning 19.  First semester almost done.  Almost the 5 year anniversary of Manuel leaving us.  Whew.... Crazy time of year.

I am trying to get in the mood to decorate for Christmas.  Sometimes, I feel like I am right there.  Others, not so much!  Not sure what I want to do with this cute little place.  Think I will use my fake, little pine tree with fake cones and needles that light up.  That sounds traditional, now doesn't it?  I will add my own flair of course, just not sure which flare yet.  Hehe!

I had a first meeting with a man I met on last night.  I had a wonderful time.  You know, seems like I know right off the bat if there is any chemistry.  Maybe I am putting too much into the chemistry thing, but I know it is what I want.  So, I will go with my gut.  We will see.  I know, I know... don't get too excited, start making plans, thinking things.  That is sooooooo hard!  One day at a time, just enjoy.

The kids are coming next weekend.  We are  having a Lasagna Thanksgiving, the four of us, and maybe Mikaela, and my mom is staying with me too.  It will be fun.  Crowded, but fun.  I love having us all together.  It is so different with them all being adults.  Manny and I drive Meg crazy, but we are what we are.  Gotta love us all.

I have a guest coming over.  Yes, the one from last night.  I am going to put a snack tray together.  Talk to you soon!

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