Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 2, 2013

First of all, let me talk about small town school spirit.  It was homecoming at Capitan last week.  There were the usual activities, dress up days, assembly, games at lunch, football game, dance..... But the spirit was incredible.  The whole district was at the assembly.  Athletes ran over to high five the elementary, middle school participated in the games, everyone cheered!  It was a great experience.

Now, if we can just focus on our math:)

For my second official weekend alone.  So far, so good!  Friday I did some running around, ordered new glasses, errands, etc.  Before the game, I stopped by to see Coach Davis.  He was my basketball coach and biology teacher in high school.  We all have fond memories of him.  He remembered me.  Called my one of his blond bombshells.  There were two of us that played BBall, Monika and I.  But three blonds, Keena too!  He has prostate cancer, but seems to be doing pretty well.  He was mad that it had taken me 3 months to come by and see him.  I am going to stop by again, would like to stay longer next time.  I think I will take supper.  So good to see him!

Football game Friday night.  Now that was weird.  I am used to going and knowing everyone.  Not here!  I could have been Dracula for all they knew.  Friendly, but not exactly welcoming.  Makes me think about how I treated new teachers and members of the community.  I hope I do better.  I will start anyway!

Saturday..... Took the truck to have the brakes fixed.  Ouch, expensive!  Couple of other things going on with it as well.  The question:  sell it or keep it?  I understand the emotional value, the memories, holding on to Manuel.  But, there is the cost and up keep.  Decisions, decisions. On the upside, while the truck was getting fixed, I found a yarn shop, where there are ladies knitting.  And lessons are free.  YOu just buy some yarn and needles, sit down, and the ladies teach you!  I loved it.  I have been wanting to learn.   So I was there for about 3 hours, learning and practicing!  I am going to work on it some at home, and go back.  My goal is Thursday afternoon or Friday before I leave for Moriarty.

Donna asked my what I have learned about myself, being alone.  I don't really know, but I am enjoying it.  Still, it would be nice to have a partner to share with!  Time has changed, looking forward to a busy week.

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