Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8, 2014

Just when I think I am doing great, getting over things, finally really moving on, I see Garth Brooks performing The Dance and All My Friends on the Jay Leno show. Manuel loved GarthBrooks.  We never got the chance to see him.  He was in Alb a long time ago, but we already had tickets to a Dallas game.  We should have chose Garth.

I have not listened to his cd's in a really long time, probably since Manuel.   Just made me sad.   I am going to listen to it again.  I love Garth!  And one for my bucket list.  I am going to see him in concert, for Manuel and me.

I have had a wonderful weekend with Craig.  He just makes me feel appreciated, safe, sexy, fun.  All the things I haven't felt in a long time.  He is exhausted.  Poor Guy. I will let him rest, take care of him. Tomorrow is another day.  I hope he does not go home early.  We will see.

February.  Wow.  This year is just flying by.  Manuel is playing Rugby, Meg and Ruben are wanting to start  a family and buy new furniture, ( a big deal for a young couple), I think my students are learning math, I think!, and I am doing great.  

I have decided that I look cooking again because it fills the time, gives me something to do most evenings, and always an excuse for a nice glass of wine!

Meg, Shandra and Rheanna are coming next weekend. Can't wait!  It will be nice to see all of them.  Meg is coming a day early, so we will have some time just the two of us, cooking a great dinner and having some wine, and enjoying my beautiful daughter!

Now I need another weekend with Manuel.  Sounds like I won't have one for awhile.  He is busy with Rugby on the weekends.

Till next time.  .......

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