Sunday, March 24, 2013

Good Morning.

I love Sunday Morning, both the show and the day. It is not very often I see the show, but I do enjoy it when I do.   It is still a little chilly.  Trying to decide if I walk or not.  I know I should, but....

Today is Shandra's (my niece) birthday and tomorrow is my father-in-law's.  We are having indian tacos at Martha's.  I am looking forward to the afternoon, visiting.

Manuel and I spent the afternoon and evening together yesterday.  Had a great day.  Seems like we don't have time together very often, but I love it when we do.  He is a great kid.  I am a lucky parent.  Both my kids are incredible, very different from each other, but incredible.  

I found a job that I think I might love!  Going to apply tomorrow.  I will mail the application, and am going to call the principal, touch base.  It would involve moving, at least partially.  Four day work week, so I could come home weekends.

It is the first one I have seen that I feel excited about.  Keeping busy has kept me out of the "funk" but I need to have a goal.  Of course, a hobby would be nice too!  I do live the restaurant/bartending.  I like the socialization and business of it all.  I have met some great people and seen some that I have not thought of in years.  Past Students and colleagues.  I love seeing and talking to them.

This week, I only bartend two nights, cooking all five days.  Manuel has a concert Wednesday night and track meet Thursday.  Busy week.  Thinking about joining Susie and Jon Friday night for a night of camping.   Life is busy.  Love it!

Here we go........

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I love Thursdays.  One day left till Friday, company for dinner, (most of the time), afternoon cocktails...We started a tradition a couple of years ago, Thirsty Thursday.  We have not been too good lately, but we usually manage to meet up and have a couple of beers and dinner.  Almost always Shannon, Lisa, and John.  Most of the time Alan.  And a few others occasionally.  When all the kids are home from school, they, of course, join us.  We all look forward to it.  Spring is a little tougher with track, baseball, just busy time of year.  But we still try to make it happen.

Tonight:  chili marinated country ribs and cabbage salad.  Shannon is bringing a side.

Meg wrote about songs and what the memories they evoke.  It got me thinking, of course.  The four of us on road trips, singing our hearts out.  Some of our favorites:  American Pie, Brandy, Hello Darling, the baseball song from Meatloaf, Devil went down to Georgia, Neil Diamond.....the list goes on.  I am sure each one of  us has a favorite road song.  After thinking of all this, then (of course) I cried.  Manny and I still sing on our twosome trips and of course I belt it out when alone!  Every once in while, we have a full car again.  Kaitlyn has been known to sing along a time or two.

When Meg was two, we took a trip to Denver.  We must have listened to Should Have Been a Cowboy twenty times.  (Toby Keith)  It would end, she would ask, Daddy, can we hear it again?

She even sang it to Manny when he was a baby.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  Meg is coming home, Manny has his first track meet of the season, family birthday party and my babies all together.

Except Ruben.  Dang job!  But life is here....

Till next time.

Oh, my positive quote.  Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be. ( Perfect day to do that. )

Thank you again Connie Powell Dodd!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday Morning

It is a bit cool this morning.  Cloudy, so the sunshine is not warming my area!  I am looking at all these other blogs thinking mine is really boring.  Why am I writing this blog?

Mostly, I wanted to write down my feelings, thoughts, what's going on.... A journal.  But I am not too regular at writing in my journal, so I am hoping this will work out better for me.  So if you are reading my blog, it is just the life and sometimes crazy ramblings of a fifty year old woman trying to find herself.

Meg's blog is fun and entertaining, Manny's is thought provoking, and the vegan blog I looked at last night was educational and inspiring. Hm...........  I am just going to write.

I start my bar tending training today.  Of course, I dreamed about it.  People gave me a hard time, I forgot to card the customers, served the wrong drinks....It really could not have gotten much worse.  So I am hoping the actual experience is much better.  It will be!  At least I will card people!

New goal for the week.  I am going to try one vegan recipe.  I think I am going to start with Mac and  Cheese.  And try the cashew cream sauce.  You use it in place of  cream of mushroom or chicken soup.  I am thinking about an enchilada recipe, I will let you know how it goes.

Enough.  Eating breakfast then I need to get ready for work.  Of to a great start!  It's going to be a good day:)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3, 2013

A smile.  It completely changes the way people react to you and how you feel.  Even one that you have to force will make you feel better.   Try it.  Watch the reaction of the person you smile at and listen to your heart.  Maybe you hear a hum, or full orchestra, but I bet you feel better than you did!

We went to visit Lisa today.  Seems like forever since I've seen her.  She is an amazing woman.   I love to see Manny's interaction with her.  I learn so much about him, listening to the two of them talk.   Great minds!  I have missed her.  I am going to make more of an effort to get over there.

I am thinking of joining an outdoor single group.  They help maintain hiking trails, camp, volunteer... sounds like fun.  Why don't I just do it?  Why do I have to think about it?   Then I don't do it and wonder why not.  I am always doing that.  I need to become a doer, not a thinker.  Because I tend to overthink, and never make a decision.  Ugh!  I am going to work on that.

First track meet next week!  Can't wait.  Manny is excited.  He has set some high goals for himself.  and he is perfectly capable.  It is going to be a great season.

Did I mention I love the restaurant business?  Started serving again and start bartending this week.  I love it!

Till tomorrow..........

Friday, March 1, 2013

Today's thought!
I started the new job last night.  I did not get to bar tend, but helped the servers.  They are all new to this, so we went through a few things and I basically supervised.  But, still enjoyed it!  I really like this business and it was good to see people.  I see less of Manny, but it will work out.  I am working on my unfinished self.  I will never be done as long as continue living, loving, and learning.  Right?