Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3, 2013

A smile.  It completely changes the way people react to you and how you feel.  Even one that you have to force will make you feel better.   Try it.  Watch the reaction of the person you smile at and listen to your heart.  Maybe you hear a hum, or full orchestra, but I bet you feel better than you did!

We went to visit Lisa today.  Seems like forever since I've seen her.  She is an amazing woman.   I love to see Manny's interaction with her.  I learn so much about him, listening to the two of them talk.   Great minds!  I have missed her.  I am going to make more of an effort to get over there.

I am thinking of joining an outdoor single group.  They help maintain hiking trails, camp, volunteer... sounds like fun.  Why don't I just do it?  Why do I have to think about it?   Then I don't do it and wonder why not.  I am always doing that.  I need to become a doer, not a thinker.  Because I tend to overthink, and never make a decision.  Ugh!  I am going to work on that.

First track meet next week!  Can't wait.  Manny is excited.  He has set some high goals for himself.  and he is perfectly capable.  It is going to be a great season.

Did I mention I love the restaurant business?  Started serving again and start bartending this week.  I love it!

Till tomorrow..........

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