Sunday, March 24, 2013

Good Morning.

I love Sunday Morning, both the show and the day. It is not very often I see the show, but I do enjoy it when I do.   It is still a little chilly.  Trying to decide if I walk or not.  I know I should, but....

Today is Shandra's (my niece) birthday and tomorrow is my father-in-law's.  We are having indian tacos at Martha's.  I am looking forward to the afternoon, visiting.

Manuel and I spent the afternoon and evening together yesterday.  Had a great day.  Seems like we don't have time together very often, but I love it when we do.  He is a great kid.  I am a lucky parent.  Both my kids are incredible, very different from each other, but incredible.  

I found a job that I think I might love!  Going to apply tomorrow.  I will mail the application, and am going to call the principal, touch base.  It would involve moving, at least partially.  Four day work week, so I could come home weekends.

It is the first one I have seen that I feel excited about.  Keeping busy has kept me out of the "funk" but I need to have a goal.  Of course, a hobby would be nice too!  I do live the restaurant/bartending.  I like the socialization and business of it all.  I have met some great people and seen some that I have not thought of in years.  Past Students and colleagues.  I love seeing and talking to them.

This week, I only bartend two nights, cooking all five days.  Manuel has a concert Wednesday night and track meet Thursday.  Busy week.  Thinking about joining Susie and Jon Friday night for a night of camping.   Life is busy.  Love it!

Here we go........

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