Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday Morning

It is a bit cool this morning.  Cloudy, so the sunshine is not warming my area!  I am looking at all these other blogs thinking mine is really boring.  Why am I writing this blog?

Mostly, I wanted to write down my feelings, thoughts, what's going on.... A journal.  But I am not too regular at writing in my journal, so I am hoping this will work out better for me.  So if you are reading my blog, it is just the life and sometimes crazy ramblings of a fifty year old woman trying to find herself.

Meg's blog is fun and entertaining, Manny's is thought provoking, and the vegan blog I looked at last night was educational and inspiring. Hm...........  I am just going to write.

I start my bar tending training today.  Of course, I dreamed about it.  People gave me a hard time, I forgot to card the customers, served the wrong drinks....It really could not have gotten much worse.  So I am hoping the actual experience is much better.  It will be!  At least I will card people!

New goal for the week.  I am going to try one vegan recipe.  I think I am going to start with Mac and  Cheese.  And try the cashew cream sauce.  You use it in place of  cream of mushroom or chicken soup.  I am thinking about an enchilada recipe, I will let you know how it goes.

Enough.  Eating breakfast then I need to get ready for work.  Of to a great start!  It's going to be a good day:)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog doesn't have to be for anyone but you.
    Love you.
