Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mom, Susie and Rachel left about 30 minutes ago.  It was a very nice weekend.   While Susan and Rachel went out, Mom and I sat on the deck, had a snack tray, a couple of glasses of wine, and great conversation.  What a woman.  She has always been very independent, strong, smart, and loves to go see things, explore, and experience things.  The last couple of years, she has become less independent, sometimes more opinionated and stubborn,ss strong physically, and still open to new experiences.  The last couple of months have been really tough for her.  Her memory is off and on, mostly off, when it comes to short term.  But she laughs and says "you probably already told me that 12 times, huh."  The memory thing has been ongoing for a while, but at times, it seems better.  It is so hard for her, I know.  She know she does not remember and you can see the frustration in her face sometimes.  She is just like me, what she is feeling is written all over her face.  But for the most part, she is a happy woman.  She truly enjoys all of us.  Sometimes I feel like she is angry with me.  One time, not too long ago, she told me I make her nervous.  Not sure what I do to make her feel that way, but I wish I did not. Today was just pure pleasure, for both of us, I think.

She has taught us to be strong women, to take care of ourselves, to think, and to love.  I do not really think of her as a hugger, at least not towards me.  But she is becoming more affectionate these last couple of years.  We need to embrace every moment we can with her.  Who knows when time is up?  All of together is very stressful, for everyone.  I think it is really tough on Mom sometimes.   We have a lot of strong personalities, but we also have a love for each other.  We have to find a way to be together, truly enjoy and appreciate each other, and share with our children.  We all need to compromise and make an extra effort to be kind when we are together.  And an effort  to be together.

Well this turned into quite an entry.  Not sure how I got here.  The quote listed above is for all us to embrace.  Lets do it.

September 22, 2013

Happy Fall Ya"ll!  Ah, my favorite time of year. And now it is officially here.  Days are definitely getting shorter, crisp mornings, beautiful afternoons and evenings.  Time to try some new soup recipes. Maybe even do some baking.

My daughter is my inspiration.  She has decided that taking care of herself, mind and body, is important.  Actually, she has always taken care of her mind.  Now she wants to feel good as well.  So she has set some goals for herself.  And I am going to join her.  I would like to add a few of my own.

Work out at least 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.

Do some strength training at least 2 times a week.

Work on a quilt for me.

Start drawing

Every week try a new recipe.

Like Meg, I am turning over some new leaves.  I have begun chapter two, now I need to make some things happen.

So let's walk, run, enjoy the weather, do some cooking, and appreciate all that we have.   We are some lucky people!!!!!

Thank you Meg.   What would I do without you.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8, 2013

It has been a busy couple of weekends.  So first, Labor day Weekend

Wonderful friends came to visit.  3 very special ladies.  Dora, Annette and Sherry.  We had the most wonderful time  We worked out both days, cooked a wonderful breakfast, did a little touristing, enjoyed   cooking an incredible supper, and off to the races on Sunday.  But most importantly, we laughed, talked, enjoyed each other and the pines.  It was so relaxing yet invigorating.  I hope they come back soon!

Good week at school.  Short week, those always seem a little crazier.  I am trying to get us some professional training for Core plus.  Hopefully it will come soon.   But this week we had to have a talk about working together.  Their idea of it it is to each take a problem and do it, then share.  OMG.  I sort of lost it.  I explained, not sure how patiently, that group work is talking, working through ALL the problems, communicating, sharing, and everyone doing every problem.  Other wise, it is just plain cheating!  We will see how it goes this week.

Then this weekend.  Friday, I went to Tucumcari to  see Mom and Andy.  I have not seen them since they came back from Las Vegas.  She came home with me, for the weekend.  So nice to have her.  AND, Megan, Shandra, and Mia came to visit.  We went to the Kite festival,watched a movie, visited, just enjoyed!  What terrific young ladies!

Both weekends, there was some wine consumed.  Not enough to invest in a winery, but close.

This week is progress reports.  It has already been 4 1/2 weeks.  Can't believe it.

Tata for now.

One more thing.  Manny wrote my mom a letter.  It was the neatest letter, almost like a song.  I am going to start writing letters again.  To both of my kids!

ok, enough.

Happy week to all!