Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8, 2013

It has been a busy couple of weekends.  So first, Labor day Weekend

Wonderful friends came to visit.  3 very special ladies.  Dora, Annette and Sherry.  We had the most wonderful time  We worked out both days, cooked a wonderful breakfast, did a little touristing, enjoyed   cooking an incredible supper, and off to the races on Sunday.  But most importantly, we laughed, talked, enjoyed each other and the pines.  It was so relaxing yet invigorating.  I hope they come back soon!

Good week at school.  Short week, those always seem a little crazier.  I am trying to get us some professional training for Core plus.  Hopefully it will come soon.   But this week we had to have a talk about working together.  Their idea of it it is to each take a problem and do it, then share.  OMG.  I sort of lost it.  I explained, not sure how patiently, that group work is talking, working through ALL the problems, communicating, sharing, and everyone doing every problem.  Other wise, it is just plain cheating!  We will see how it goes this week.

Then this weekend.  Friday, I went to Tucumcari to  see Mom and Andy.  I have not seen them since they came back from Las Vegas.  She came home with me, for the weekend.  So nice to have her.  AND, Megan, Shandra, and Mia came to visit.  We went to the Kite festival,watched a movie, visited, just enjoyed!  What terrific young ladies!

Both weekends, there was some wine consumed.  Not enough to invest in a winery, but close.

This week is progress reports.  It has already been 4 1/2 weeks.  Can't believe it.

Tata for now.

One more thing.  Manny wrote my mom a letter.  It was the neatest letter, almost like a song.  I am going to start writing letters again.  To both of my kids!

ok, enough.

Happy week to all!

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