Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A new beginning....

Well, here I go!  New job, new home, new town, new chapter!  Worst of all, new stove (old version, new to me).  I have moved to Ruidoso!  It is beautiful, cute little house, and it feels like home with all my things in it.  My favorite part is the front deck.

I start my new job in Capitan Monday.  Students start Wednesday.  I will be teaching 6 periods of math, years 1 and 2.  Freshmen and sophomores.  I am starting to get the new year jitters.  but I am ready to get back into it!   Everyone I met has been so nice.  The challenge right now is getting my room ready.  Then, what to do the first day of school!  Always an issue, along with the weird dreams before the first day of students. (teacher thing)

Personal goals for the next 5 months.

Thirty plus minutes of exercise, at least 3 times a week.
Quick strength training, (focus on arms), every day, when I get up!
Cook for myself, trying new recipes.(Use my cooking for one cookbook)
Start Quilting or needle point
Once a week, get out and go do something social, besides work!  Coffee, movie, bookstore,....something!


Here I go!

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