Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14, 2013

First official day at Capitan Schools.  I sent this email to 4 of the best friends a girl could have.  Plus, they are teachers, they soooooooo   get it!  Plus Meg(not a teacher, but know the world)

Hi.  Hope your first couple of days have gone well.  All these new terms are getting to me.  EOC, PLC. RTI.....  geez, a year out and the acronyms are killing me!
Got a tell you about just a few things.  So yesterday, we had our first district meeting.   There were probably 50 of us, including all the bus drivers, maintenance crew, and secretaries.  The superintendent ran the meeting.   (Just like the old days in the middle school gym).  After introductions of new staff, a total of 5 of us, the school board president said a few words, then a prayer!  Guess religion in the school is not an issue here.  :)
We had a new staff meeting later, all 5 of us, in the superintendent's office.  With the principal and business admin. 

Then the afternoon staff meeting, mid and high, about 20 of us.  That is where all the new terms came out! 
Everyone is so nice.  And knows someone that knows me, and have "heard" about me.   Hope that's good.  Sounds like it might be from what they are saying.  Hope they do not find out too much,  I kind of like the cloud of mystery I pretend surrounds me.  LOL
The high school is being renovated and we are in the elementary.  We have the first six rooms and they built a wall to separate the high school and elem.  kids.  I guess the community is a little concerned about the mixing.  You know kids, they will be fine!  

It was a great day.  And today we had the students.  A year off was just what I needed.  Love it, love it, love it!  A year off was just what I needed.  This is where I need to be for now.

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