Friday, August 23, 2013

August 23, 2013

Week two of school.
        First thirsty Thursday in my new home.  With my new friends.
        Know most of students names.
        Have next week's lesson plans done.
        Almost pay day!  (thank God!)
        Lunch with some ladies today.
        A friend coming into town tomorrow, going to an antique show

Life is good.  The kids are doing fine.  And I am doing fine as well  Getting used to being alone.  Although I really miss the dogs.  They are good company in the mornings.  Keeping busy helps, but I am learning to be alone.  It is ok if I sit and do nothing, Lisa and Meg said so:)  And I will do it wtihout being sad and lonely.  I like my company, actually.

I have some projects I would like to start.  After Labor day, things settle down, I am in a routine and have some time to work.  My first project is a quilt.  I also have some drawing things I want to try.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  And seeing John.  We talk on the  phone for hours, laugh, tell secrets.  It will be fun to spend some time with him.  He likes to do things.  And the company will by nice.

I think I was meant to be here.  For now anyway.  Small world, our connections.  Devin, the real estate lady, told my about one of her friends that teaches at Capitan.  Turns out it is Angela Romero, the one who invited me for dinner and came to dinner this week.  As Angela says, another mirror.   So much in common!

Again, life is good.

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