Saturday, August 10, 2013

My first social activity in my new town!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

It is my first weekend alone.  I was kinda dreading it after I found out my sister was no longer coming.  So, I decided to make it MY weekend.  Got up this morning and walked to a really  cool little coffee shop, had coffee and read a summer activity guide, then headed home.  It started raining a little, so I put my hood on.  Then proceeded to take the wrong turn.  My 15 minute walk home took about 45 minutes, but it was beautiful.

Got home, fixed a great breakfast, dropped breakfast on the floor, fixed another(not quite so great), and finally got to eat!  Now it is almost noon.  Needless to say, I got a late start.  But it seems everything is taking an unnecessary amount of time.  During all this, I received some exciting news, but I can't share that right now.

I put the vacuum together, did a little house work, and headed to town with my list.  I found a local bakery, a quilt shop, and a fabric store!  Love all three.

Now, all day, I have been planning on going back to the coffee shop for the evening for a free movie.  (this is supposed to be my social activity for the week)  But by now, it is 5:00, I'm a little tired, ....
So I eat, and I'm thinking, "Do I really want to go?''  I text my wonderful daughter, and express my doubts.  Always encouraging, she stays take a shower and see how you feel.

So, I ended up going.  It was fun.  The movie was good.  Met and visited with a few people.  They do this every Saturday night and on Friday nights have live music and open mic.  Always early, 6 or 6:30. I am going to the Friday night thing too, next time I am here for it.  Maybe I can even get Manny to go with me, and sing a song or two for his old Ma!

All in all, it was a very nice day.  I think I can get used to this alone thing.  Life is grand and I am going to enjoy it!  Till next time....

My wonderful, encouraging daughter!

My just as wonderful singing, guitar playing son!

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